Greetings and Salutations
How is every one else holding up? Merrily I hope, whether it be with an ale in your hand or the hand of some one you adore.
Now what about those nasty New years resolutions eh? Well, I did them last year as pictured here.
Some one jokingly put a note saying "send Zack to a monastery" and he ended up in a remote town living with a bunch of guys..... *note to self* dont joke about goal stuff. As heart breaking as that was, another goal posted on the board simply said "peace" and funnily enough when Zack moved to the "monastery" this was achieved. Hard for a mum who loves her kids more than power tools to say but true. Another backwards resolution was " earn more money" . Ok so we did that, but we also owed more, what's up with that??? Oh and last but not least, my daughter wanted to pass year 10, which she did, with awards and all, then she quit...
Resolutions have too many grey areas and if they are not defined thoroughly , we as people will do anything to find loop holes to get out of them. I'm not dressing it up like some new age namby pambian, we FAIL.
So, with that in mind. I'm not doing a New years resolution. I am doing LAST YEARS resolutions and it is simply "achieve this year what you failed at last year"
And it starts today. not next year.
Anyhow, I will raise my glass which is now empty and wish ya'll the best for 2009.
Cheers Big Ears!! (of course you dont have big ears silly, its just my fav toast my brother does)
It will be a catching up on blogs day tomorrow. I am excited to be back on deck. Yep even excited about working again. I have been most creative. Nothing I have touched since my break has had anything to do with work. I feel invigorated.
Cant wait to dive back into the blogasphere( um how does one spell that word?)