Welcome to my world behind the scenes as I attempt to run a business with no idea what I am doing. I Love comments/ advice/opinions or just a quick G'day so please talk to me. I adore hearing/learning/chatting with you all so every comment is most welcome.!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good question

In my last post I was asked "What do you make?"
I make "real" green bags. Grocery bags that can be thrown in your compost, reused as rags or weed mat as opposed to landfill being the only option. I also make bags out of materials that were brand new or used that were destined for landfill such as banners, yacht sails and fabrics.
Basically I make Tote bags. My blog a good look into how an unmotivated(lazy), uneducated but totally convinced she can do it married mum of 4 can or cant do this at home.
Alas, I got sidetracked along the way and became a reseller of various wares and my other goal of using discarded wood to make bag handles has been delayed due to lack of work space for the machinery required.
I also make froofy frilly crafty stuff for The homestead which is more of a hobby.
Due to lack of space, cash flow, family distractions in my workspace and the slow acquisition of all of the machinery, I was making more money reselling than any of my creative endeavours.
My business is evolving after the struggle to begin and has found a way to function with all of the above distractions. Space and safety is my biggest issue. My woodworking equipment is unsafe to leave out with children around and is too heavy and cumbersome to drag out on a regular basis. Once I forgot to put it away and although it was undercover the rain blew in so far and hard I lost a drop saw,mouse sander, and an orbital sander all in one hit. These are small cheap replaceable items so I was annoyed but relieved that I learned not to set up my big woodwork gear in that spot.
Anyhow I am rambling.
The shop buttons to the left are inactive at present and there is a little note above them saying this but it is very faded and may be overlooked.
With all of that said.
I actually do have stock now FINALLY and am in the process of listing:) Hence the website I am working on and the constantly rearranging blog.
Thanks for asking that question.
It is now 7:12am. Time to wake the sleepy heads for school!


Baino March 31, 2009 at 7:20 AM  

Thanks Mel always looking for 'interesting' purchases so it will be good to see what you've got once the site's up and running!

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