Back to the fun stuff.
I made my phone a snuggly sleeping bag so that I don't destroy it like I did the last one.
2 layers of felt just incase I drop it...
I now have my old email address back. I know it was only a month but I really missed hearing from fellow bloggers
OK... so I should be cleaning but I am excited and I know a lot of you would be too or have been because of this purchase. I ordered the print gocco basic starter kit. The guy at the shop that I called was impatient and cut me off as I was asking him a question, literally hanging up on me. I barely got "and what about" out and he said impatiently" OK see ya bye"
So I went directly to the site and ordered one. It will cost me $50 more to have it sent however this is an important lesson for me and everyone involved in customer service. Don't fob your customers off. He just lost a sale but because he may have just been having a bad customer service day I wont give out the companies name. We all have them some days. And on those days we may be responsible for losing a sale worth a weeks wages to some people. Something to consider when you are self employed. Something I will certainly learn from. I hope.
I cannot find a picture that I can legally put on my site anywhere so you will have to imagine it (insert imaginary picture of a print gocco here)
Cant wait to get my parcel!!
After a 7 month break I have returned to the club. It wasn't supposed to be 7 months. It wasn't even supposed to be 7 weeks. Funny how you get sidetracked once you break a routine and then struggle to get back into it and then there is the time.... where does the time go???
My creation
Originally uploaded by nundecreations
Still learning. Now I have labels like all of the pro's but I couldn't manage to save them with their new labels.
It was Grahams birthday today! Yay. He is a top bloke and we all wish him well. Pam cleaned out her craft stuff which meant that I got all of the treasures that she thought were junk. Yay me!!
I had been away for 3 weeks and it felt like forever. So glad to be back. Joyce is sick today and couldnt make it to share and care so Im sending a big cyber GET WELL to her even though she never goes near those fandangled computers so she will never see this.
The Purl Bee is a great place for washcloth patterns which is why I am parking the link here. I must make some. Absolutely must. Yummy cottony all natural goodness.
Read more...So as I promised to myself I set off to the shed for the day!
Once again blogger comes through with a place to store links that I would never find if I was left to rummage through my favorites bar
I will be linking useful articles written by people in the know regarding craft business, online and home based business.
Crafting a Business with Jenny Hart
The Artful Crafter - The four M's
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