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Monday, December 7, 2009

Handmade gifts at the Gala

The event was officially opened by the mayor and the fun began.
500 toys the Berwick woodies made this year!
yes 500!
That is 500 toys for 500 kids that would have otherwise missed out this year and according to the charities that attended to receive the toys, there are a lot more going without this year.
Quilts made and donated by the Pakenham Quilters
and Joe's wife.

Bunk beds, so cute and cosy!

They even have little matresses..

Oh my, my inner child screamed out for one of these!

Master nunde yearned for one of each and asked "mum, why dont you ever make me wooden toys for me?"
Good Question.
Answer: um I dont know.

Afterwards we ate cake, dainty little sandwiches and more cake.
We liked this bit alot.

Then we went out to watch the vans take off with all the loot.

But not to worry, looks like they have made a good start on next years bounty.

Times are tough all over and it is heartwarming to see such generosity.
Have a great day everybody.

late edition. just had to add this link to One Pair of Hands so you could see all of the quilts on display that the Pakenham quilters donated. Click here
Awesome ladies and they do  all this on top of making people size quilt for struggling families. xoxo to them all


CurlyPops December 7, 2009 at 8:35 AM  

Awww that warms the cockles... hope all the kiddies love their pressies

Anonymous,  December 7, 2009 at 9:44 AM  

500 wooden toys = amazing. I hope the kiddies have a fantastic xmas

One pair of Hands December 8, 2009 at 4:23 PM  

What marvelous pics Melanie. Must put your site up on the notice board at Woodies. I do feel so sad for poor Conner - what is it that they say about the cobbler's children having no shoes? Never mind, Conner, it looks as though you're enjoying that cake. lol

Baino December 8, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

Fantastic. I'm so going to do this sort of thing when I retire. So glad you're enjoying all the organising too. Great time of year to be involved and totally rewarding work. Good on you Mel.

A'isha December 27, 2009 at 10:16 AM  

OMG...his so big now.... my little man, he probably wouldnt even remember me now 'sob'

still has that cheeky face...

Congrats on the toy drive, awesome effort for another year


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