Bag Testing and Witches Brew
Well, yesterday I put my market nunde style bag to the test and carted home 19kg of cold remedies, most of which ended up in a pot to make chicken soup. I googled every herb/spice/veggie known to help get rid of colds and it all went in to make one big pot of green brew.
So how did my brew work?
Umm, I still feel pretty crook but I do have enough brew to feed me for a week....or 2.
So chicken soup/witches brew may not have been a huge success but my nunde market bag stood up to the test. I was hoping the soup would perform miracles because Master nunde has a cross country run today which I am helping with.
No matter, with a hanky in hand I will be there still and try not to pass on my cold to the contestants.
Have a great Wednesday